Monday, November 10, 2008


Today is my Christmas.

I am starting a new endeavor, to be revealed shortly, which required we get a new computer. Well, that & Biggie click, click, click, click, click, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLIIIIIICKING on the ol' Inspiron. Back in the day I was a Desktop Publisher. I'm a mac paerson. Clarification: I used to be a mac person. Now, I am again a mac person. But, I am lost. Lots of things to figure out. So, sorry if I'm not too frequent with the posts for a few days as I'm playing with my AWESOME NEW 15" MACBOOK PRO!!!

So, yeah. No other presents for me.

It's alright. 

THIS is a gift that keeps on giving.

1 comment:

kingflint said...

HAPPY CHRISTMAS. A mac huh? well every little birdie has to spread their wings. Of course "I'm a PC" he he. enjoy your new toy. I can't wait to see the new project. I am about to get out the kintting needle myself. it is scarf time and sewing a new robe for the Momo. *Hugs*